New UK government urged to prioritize renewables

Authorities & Government

UK’s renewable energy organizations have called the county’s new government to put the development of renewable energy and clean technology at the center of its energy policy.

Following the outcome of the snap general election in the UK, which saw the Conservatives fail to secure the majority, which further resulted in hung parliament, the UK-based renewable energy organizations have called for clear commitments to clean and renewable energy from the new government and the opposition parties.

Commenting on the general election result, Nina Skorupska, Chief Executive of the Renewable Energy Association (REA), said:

“In uncertain times, one thing all the main parties agree on is meeting our carbon budgets, the need for jobs, and cheaper bills.

“The renewable and clean tech industry has been waiting for nearly a year for the release of the Clean Growth Plan and it’s now critical for us that we have a clear commitment and direction, no matter what shade of government.”

RenewableUK, the country’s trade association for tidal, wave and wind industries, reminded that parties’ manifestos were clear in their commitment to meeting the UK’s Climate Change Act, and to deploying cheap, reliable power.

The association has called the new government to put renewable energy at the heart of energy policy, so that consumers can benefit from cheaper power.

Hugh McNeal, RenewableUK’s Chief Executive, said: “All the main political parties recognize the urgent need to provide clean, affordable power for UK consumers. 79% of the British public support renewables – people of all political persuasions – especially young voters.

“To maintain our world-beating offshore, onshore and wave and tidal sectors, we urge government to ensure a stable policy framework. With relatively simple support, in these unprecedented political times, renewable energy stands ready to deliver.”