No Sign of MH370 After 14000 sq km Seabed Covered


The search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has now covered more than 14,000 square kilometres of the seafloor, according to Australia Transportation Safety Bureau latest report.

MH370 disappeared on March 8 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board. Not a single piece of debris has been found.

Fugro Equator completed bathymetric survey work on 17 December and returned to Fremantle for mobilisation to conduct underwater search operations. It arrived in port on 22 December and departed on 6 January 2015. Around 208,000 square kilometres of the search area have been surveyed.

Fugro Discovery suspended search activities on 30 December 2014 and returned to Fremantle for resupply and operational maintenance. The vessel arrived in port on 6 January 2015, and is anticipated to depart for the search area around 9 January.

GO Phoenix suspended search operations on 28 December 2014 and returned to Fremantle for resupply and operational maintenance. The vessel arrived in port on 2 January 2015 and departed for the search area on 5 January 2015.

Assuming no significant delays with vessels, equipment or from the weather, the current underwater search area may be largely completed around May 2015.