NOPSEMA Opens for Comment 3D Oil’s Plan for Seismic Survey

Operations & Maintenance

Australia’s NOPSEMA has opened for public comment the environment plan for 3D Oil Limited’s Sauropod 3D marine seismic survey in the Roebuck Basin, within exploration permit WA-527-P.

3D Oil proposed on July 16th to undertake the Sauropod 3D marine seismic survey in Commonwealth waters of the Roebuck Basin, within exploration permit WA-527-P. The purpose of the Sauropod 3D survey is to collect high quality geophysical data about rock formations and structures beneath the seabed and assess potential for new oil and gas discoveries.

The acquisition area covers approximately 3,500 km2. The acquisition area is surrounded by a larger operational area (approximately 6,000 km2), for the purpose of line turns, run-ins, run-outs, seismic testing and support activities.  The seismic survey will be undertaken in water depths between approximately 95 m to 172 m.

The survey will involve a single seismic survey vessel towing a seismic source array with a total volume of 3,090 cubic inches (in3), at a water depth of approximately 5 – 10 m.

The seismic source will use compressed air to emit regular pulses of sound that reflect off the seabed and underlying rock formations. The reflected sound wave will be received by up to 12 hydrophone streamers. Each streamer will be up to 7,000 m in length, spaced 75 m apart and towed at a depth of approximately 15 m.

The Sauropod 3D survey will take a maximum of 60 days to acquire, and will be undertaken within the acquisition window of January to April 2020, or January to April 2021.

The precise timing of the survey is subject to vessel availability, weather conditions and other operational considerations, and will take into account the seasonality of environmental sensitivities, where practicable.