Nordic Tankers, V.Group to Establish Ship Management Company

Business & Finance

Danish chemical tanker owner Nordic Tankers Trading is about to create a new ship management company in partnership with marine and offshore vessel management specialist V.Group which will be called Dania Ship Management.

The new company will be created on the foundation of Nordic Tankers’ current operations and the firm’s Chief Operating Officer Carsten Brix Ostenfeldt will take the helm as managing director of the new company, which will be based at Nordic Tankers’ Copenhagen headquarters.

As explained, the partnership with V.Group “will support future delivery of quality management to vessels and enable a robust response to the increasing demand towards ship management in this highly specialised sector.”

Dania Ship Management will be incorporated in line with the Danish Tonnage Scheme provisions to offer a local ship management core with access to V.Group’s specialist global ship management capabilities and experience in the operations of chemical and other sophisticated vessels.

“We are very excited to partner with V.Group to safeguard and further expand our business. With our shared commitment to safety, efficiency and quality, I am confident that with our local market knowledge and V.Group’s global expertise we will be in a strong position to proactively respond to the increasing requirements of the international shipping sector, Per Sylvester Jensen, Chief Executive Officer Nordic Tankers Trading said.