Ocean DEMO Call for Applications Opens

Research & Development

The first Ocean DEMO call for applications has now opened.

Funded by Interreg North-West Europe, Ocean DEMO is a €13m project aiming to accelerate ocean energy’s transition from single prototype to multi-device farms by providing free access to test centres: EMEC (UK), DMEC (NL), SEM REV (FR) and SmartBay (IE).

Successful applicants will receive free access to test their ocean energy products and services in real sea environments at the project’s network of test centres.

Technology developers can apply for support packages to test multi-device farms or single devices able to scale up to multi-device in the future.

Nicolas Wallet, programme manager at EMEC and Ocean DEMO Project Leader, said: “We’re looking forward to receiving the first applications for Ocean DEMO. This new project is a tremendous opportunity for growth in the ocean energy industry. Several past projects such as FORESEA have proven ocean energy technologies’ great potential, it is now time to scale up.”

“Reaching the multi-device farms stage will result in economies of scale. It will significantly improve ocean energy technologies’ competitiveness, and drive innovation across the supply chain. The cost reduction will in turn attract new investors and promote further growth in the ocean energy sector.”

Mairéad Elliott, business development and projects coordinator at SmartBay Ireland and Ocean DEMO access coordinator added: “The test centres available through Ocean DEMO are amongst the best in the world. We’ve all been working in close cooperation for years towards the same goal: delivering ocean energy in Europe.”

“With its focus on multi-device farms, Ocean DEMO will help technology developers take an important step towards commercialization. We’re looking forward to working with them, getting their technologies in the water and contributing to the growth of the ocean energy sector.”

The first Ocean DEMO call for applications is open until July 01, 2019.