Ocean Infinity acquires 25 percent stake in Guardian Geomatics

Business & Finance

Houston-based seabed intelligence provider Ocean Infinity has acquired a 25 percent stake in Australia-based Guardian Geomatics.

Illustration; Source: Ocean Infinity

Ocean Infinity said last week that the two companies agreed on terms for the acquisition of the stake in Guardian Geomatics.

Oliver Plunkett, Ocean Infinity’s CEO, said: “During the time we have been working with the Guardian team they have surpassed expectations on every criteria.

“This new partnership will cement our relationship and, as we look forward to our fleet of three ships and 15 AUVs serving clients around the globe, was an obvious next step for us to take.”

Guardian Geomatics managing director Paul Kennedy added: “Along with access to unmanned surface vessels (USVs) and our current survey outsourcing contract with Ocean Infinity for the Island Pride, we have surpassed many of the goals we set ourselves when we established the company a year ago. We are excited about the opportunities this new partnership with Ocean Infinity will bring.”

The contract with Ocean Infinity was awarded to Guardian Geomatics in December 2018. Namely, Guardian would provide management, field personnel, QC, processing, and deliverable reporting of data acquired by the fleet of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) operated from the Island Pride vessel.