GAZ-SYSTEM; Polish LNG terminal expansion progressing

Polish LNG terminal expansion progressing

Business Developments & Projects

Polish LNG company GAZ-SYSTEM says a gigantic wall of a new LNG tank was put up as part of the expansion of the LNG Terminal.

Courtesy of GAZ-SYSTEM
GAZ-SYSTEM; Polish LNG terminal expansion progressing
Courtesy of GAZ-SYSTEM

This took less than three weeks at the President Lech Kaczyński terminal in Świnoujście, the Polish LNG import facility.

The new tank will be larger than the two existing ones at the terminal. Its capacity is 180,000 cubic metres.

In total, all three facilities will hold approximately 500,000 cubic metres of LNG.

The new tank is a key element of Stage 2 of the LNG Terminal Expansion Program. 

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Firstly, Stage 1 included the installation of two additional SCVs. Then, Stage 2 came with the construction of a third LNG tank and a new jetty.

This second stage is scheduled for completion in December 2023.

The third tank and the new jetty for loading, unloading, and reloading LNG as well as for bunkering ships will increase the flexibility of the facility in Świnoujście. They will also enable the launch of new services for the growing LNG market.

The next works on the tank construction include finishing the reinforcement of the concrete elements on the rim, and then the execution and assembly of the steel roof. These works are coming in the next months, GAZ-SYSTEM says.