Port of Klaipeda receives first shipload of LNG from US

Ports & Logistics

On the order of the Estonian energy group Elenger, the Equinor gas tanker Isabella has delivered this year’s first shipload of LNG from the United States to the port of Klaipeda in Lithuania.

Courtesy of Elenger
Courtesy of Elenger

According to Elenger, in the following days, LNG will be loaded to the Independence floating terminal and the gas will then move to customers via pipelines.

Margus Kaasik, the CEO of Elenger group, said: “Elenger prepared early for the heating season and secured the necessary gas supply for customers. This cargo will help us through the winter months, we have enough gas for everyone and the price has also fallen, as the winter has been unusually warm in Europe so far.”

“We also have an agreement regarding the next LNG cargo in March through Klaipeda. In the 2nd and 3rd quarters, when the Inkoo terminal has started working properly in Finland, we plan to bring gas through there as well.”

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Tanker Isabella, which is sailing under the Greek flag, is 295 meters long and 46 meters wide, and it can hold 174,130 m3 of liquefied gas.

Last year, Elenger procured five large shiploads of LNG for its customers through the port of Klaipeda.

The company started using the small LNG terminal in Klaipeda in 2017, and in 2019, a contract was signed with Klaipeda Nafta, after which LNG was purchased through the Klaipeda Independence floating terminal and sent to the natural gas network.

In addition, the company has been supplying LNG with trucks for bunkering ships and industrial customers outside the gas network for many years.

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