
Port of Oakland’s Cranes Going Hybrid

Business & Finance

Containerized cargo handling at California’s Port of Oakland is about to get a whole lot cleaner.

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The port’s largest marine terminal is converting 13 diesel-powered yard cranes to hybrid power. The result is expected to be an annual 45-ton reduction in diesel-related air pollutants.

The first hybrid crane began service March 5 at Oakland International Container Terminal. It added that the rest of the terminal’s retrofitted fleet will come online by next year. Each crane, shaped like an inverted U on wheels, is being equipped with batteries and new, smaller diesel backup engines.

In July 2018, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District awarded the terminal operator, SSA Terminals, a USD 5 million grant for the hybrid project through its Community Health Protection Grant Program. SSA Terminals is spending about USD 1 million more to retrofit its cranes.

Port of Oakland said that the terminal operator could recoup its cost within two years, thanks to fuel savings.

“We depend heavily on this equipment to keep cargo flowing smoothly,” Jim Rice, General Manager at Oakland International Container Terminal, said.

“We’re pleased to find a solution that makes us more efficient and at the same time benefits the environment.”