SEA-LNG: LNG as a pathway to decarbonisation

SEA-LNG: LNG as a secure way to decarbonisation

Outlook & Strategy

The multi-sector industry coalition SEA-LNG states that LNG can cut greenhouse gas emissions now while also securing the future.

Courtesy of SEA-LNG
SEA-LNG: LNG as a pathway to decarbonisation
Courtesy of SEA-LNG

SEA-LNG finds that waiting until future alternative marine fuels are proven and available will only exacerbate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions problem the world is currently facing.

The statement sees methane slip too often used as an argument to justify inaction. There are marine engines on the market today with no slip and it is only an issue for certain LNG engine technologies.

LNG as a marine fuel can provide up to 21 per cent GHG savings on a well-to-wake basis (up to 28 per cent, tank-to-wake) today and pave the way for sustainable bio-LNG in the near term, and zero-emission operations with synthetic LNG in the longer term. Just 10 per cent of drop-in bio-LNG with LNG provides approximately two years of additional compliance under Poseidon Principles measures. Both fuels can be used interchangeably with existing LNG infrastructure and marine engines.

The use of LNG also provides the physical infrastructure and asset base that can be used by other alternative fuels.

Waiting for the development of new fuels will only add to shipping’s decarbonization challenge, SEA-LNG claims. Converting the future fleet to new fuels but will take a generation or more to complete.

The choice today is not between LNG and alternative fuels of the future; it is between LNG or fuel oil until future fuels are readily available, the statement concludes.