SEA-LNG stresses the role of LNG in shipping decarbonisation

SEA-LNG stresses LNG’s role in shipping decarbonisation

Business Developments & Projects

The multi-sector industry coalition SEA-LNG has answered the recently published World Bank’s report on LNG’s role in zero-carbon shipping.

Courtesy of SEA-LNG
SEA-LNG stresses the role of LNG in shipping decarbonisation
Courtesy of SEA-LNG

SEA-LNG emphasises that LNG reduces up to 23 per cent of ghg emissions and that bio and synthetic LNG offer low-risk pathways to shipping decarbonisation.

It sees waiting for future fuels and not fully utilising LNG as a mistake, as the waiting for unproven alternatives only makes the current ghg emissions problems worse.

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The confirmed reduction in greenhouse gas (ghg) of up to 23 per cent (well-to-wake) needs to be taken advantage of today, the coalition claims. It also stresses the air quality benefits of LNG as a maritime fuel.

Bio and synthetic LNG are seen as offering an incremental pathway for the decarbonisation of the global shipping industry; one that is already being implemented. The existing LNG infrastructure is interchangeable with its bio and synthetic alternatives.

This comes as an answer to the World Bank’s recent report ‘The Role of LNG in the Transition Toward Low- and Zero-Carbon Shipping’, which prescribes solutions and predicts the timing of future technology development.

The report suggested not investing in the LNG sector, and SEA-LNG sees this as unwise, as it will prolong the use of higher emissions fuels and slow down shipping’s decarbonisation.

SEA-LNG strongly believes that the transition to future fuels must not follow World Bank’s recommended approach as it is too early to decide what the real potential of various alternatives fuels will be for a complex global industry.

SEA-LNG is confident in Sphera’s ‘2nd Lifecycle GHG Emission Study on the use of LNG as a Marine Fuel’ and finds it is the definitive study on the essential role that LNG has to play in shipping’s pathway to decarbonisation. These findings are based on the latest primary data, assessing all major types of marine engines and global sources of supply, follows ISO standards, and is independently reviewed by neutral academics. This is in contrast to some of the studies that the World Bank cites which are based on out-of-date technologies used in niche maritime operations, according to SEA-LNG.

The current engine information shows that methane slip does not impact LNG’s ghg reduction potential to the extent that the World Bank report claims. LNG engine solutions are already in use today with minimal methane slip.

The World Bank report also fails to acknowledge the acceleration in the availability of Bio-LNG.

The World Bank report fails to mention the major challenges associated with the recommended fuels of green ammonia and hydrogen. Research, development, and extensive operational testing is still needed, and major technological and regulatory hurdles must be overcome. This will require massive investments.

SEA-LNG finds that the World Bank’s theoretical approach risks delaying the shipping industry’s decarbonisation.

SEA-LNG states that it encourages informed debate of future fuels. It is important however, to base this debate on objective, up-to-date Life Cycle Analysis and recognise that we need to start with proven technologies.