Searcher’s seismic data reveals ‘exciting’ oil prospectivity offshore Oman

Business Developments & Projects

Searcher Seismic has entered into a strategic partnership with the Ministry of Energy and Minerals of Oman (MEM) to acquire several new seismic surveys and reprocess legacy seismic data both offshore and onshore Oman.

Courtesy of Searcher Seismic
Courtesy of Searcher Seismic

According to Searcher, reprocessing of the offshore legacy data in the Sea of Oman has already begun, achieving “extraordinary uplift” by applying broadband reprocessing sequence with multiple removal technologies.

“Improving the imaging of the remarkable geology offshore Oman is both resolving uncertainties in the thrusts and fold belt plays and imaging the hitherto elusive stratigraphy below the decollement surface”, the company says.

Moreover, Searcher believes that these insights reveal an “exciting” oil prospectivity with unexplored yet significant resource potential.

In partnership with MEM, the reprocessing of the whole 2D and 3D datasets as well as acquiring new 2D and 3D seismic is expected to take place in 2022/2023.

The Australian company informed that the offshore Oman 2D and 3D rectification project is already completed.

It comprises 32,000 kilometres of 2D plus 2,500 square kilometres of 3D legacy data which has been rectified using Searcher’s proprietary post-stack reprocessing method, which is said to resolve issues with navigation, metadata, amplitude, phase and time-shifts.

Commenting on the partnership, Neil Hodgson, VP of Geoscience at Searcher said: “We are delighted to announce our strategic partnership with the Ministry of Energy and Minerals in Oman. Our priority is to focus on the exciting offshore basins where we see significant prospectivity.

“Together with MEM we will reprocess legacy data and acquire new seismic to reveal new insights into the hydrocarbon system and bring new investors to this oil-rich region.”

Meanwhile, the company is gearing up for a 3D seismic data reprocessing project offshore Nova Scotia in Canada.

The 3D dataset comprises eight 3D volumes covering over 5,000 square kilometres and focuses on the Sable Island Gas fields on the Scotian Shelf.

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