SEM-REV looks for offshore test site manager

Business & Finance

Centrale Nantes in looking to appoint a manager for the SEM-REV marine renewables test site located off the western coast of France.

The scope of work for the SEM-REV test site manager includes coordinating existing SEM-REV projects with project managers, as well as management of the contractual and financial coordination of the projects in relation with funding bodies.

Also, SEM-REV test site manager will be in charge of the identification of marine renewable energy (MRE) technologies and component innovations with developers, and development of demo-projects at the site.

As SEM-REV offshore test site manager, the successful candidate will join a team of the Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energy and Atmospheric Environment (LHEEA) within Centrale Nantes, composed of about 8 full time technicians and research engineers from different fields of expertise, who are managing project development and test site maintenance.

The position will be based in main office in Le Croisic, with the expected start date set for August 1, 2017.

SEM-REV test site, located 30 km off the city of Le Croisic on the French Atlantic coast, was launched in 2015 as a multi-technology offshore test site suitable for testing wave energy devices as well as floating offshore wind turbines.

It is one of the four test sites participating in the FORESEA initiative that provides funding support to ocean energy technology developers to access Europe’s leading ocean energy test facilities.

Under the EU-funded FORESEA first call, two of the ten selected projects will trial their technologies at SEM-REV test site, including IHES wave energy project, led by French start-up Geps Techno, that will see the deployment of the hybrid wave energy system in 2017.

The second project selected under the first FORESEA call to be hosted on SEM-REV is carried out by Pytheas Technology. The project aims to develop an innovative piezoelectric generator dedicated to MRE sector.

Three companies selected under the second FORESEA call to test their technologies at SEM-REV include FMGC; Flex Sense; and Advanced Aerodynamic vessels (A2V).

Aside from the projects under the FORESEA initiative, SEM-REV will also serve as a testing ground for the floating offshore wind turbine as part of the Floatgen project, expected to be launched later this year.