Shell: 1st in Netherlands to offer bio-LNG to all customers

Shell: 1st in Netherlands to offer bio-LNG

Business Developments & Projects

Shell said it became the first in the Netherlands to offer bio-LNG to all of its customers, following the launch of Nordsol’s bio-LNG installation at Amsterdam Westpoort.

Courtesy of Renewi
Shell: 1st in Netherlands to offer bio-LNG to all customers
Courtesy of Renewi

In 2020, Renewi, Nordsol and Shell agreed upon building a Nordsol plant at a Renewi site at Amsterdam Westpoort. The plant opened in Fall 2021 and it is the first bio-LNG installation in the country. 

As of this week, customers can fill up with Shell BioLNG. In the coming period, the bio-LNG in Shell’s Dutch LNG network will be mixed with regular LNG. 

Bio-LNG is an important part of making heavy road and water transport more sustainable and eco-friendly. The fuel originates from organic waste flows, particularly domestic and agricultural waste that is available in abundance. It can be used in existing LNG engines and filling stations, without the need for modifications.

Marjan van Loon, CEO of Shell Netherlands, said that this is a great step towards clean transport.

Renewi collects organic waste throughout the Netherlands from multiple industries and converts it into biogas. Nordsol integrated and optimized processes into a compact installation that is able to convert biogas into bio-LNG.

Shell, a minority investor in Nordsol, distributes the fuel to nearby Shell LNG stations to supply customers with bio-LNG. Thus, it helps them to reduce their CO2 footprint.

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As soon as production is sufficient, Shell also wants to offer pure bio-LNG at its LNG stations in the country.

In addition, the energy major expects to be able to supply 100 per cent BioLNG to the entire network in both Germany and the Netherlands by mid-2023. This is in part due to the start of construction at the beginning of February of Europe’s largest BioLNG production plant in Godorf, Germany.

Shell says it is thus ahead of the competition.