Spotted: Damen Fits 22 Vessels aboard Happy Star

Business & Finance

8. Da Nang loading

Dutch shipbuilder Damen Shipyards Group is shipping a total of 22 vessels from several Damen shipyards, marking a big day for Damen, as well as for BigLift’s heavy-lift vessel, Happy Star, which is carrying the vessels. This transportation is Damen’s largest transportation of stock vessels to date.

1. Shanghai loading

Damen has already sold a number of the vessels being transported. Amongst these are two Fast Crew Suppliers (FCS) 2610 to be used at North Sea offshore wind parks. The transport is a welcome opportunity to accommodate the requirements of clients on the west coasts of Africa and Europe looking for smaller tugs and pontoons.

9. Da Nang Loading

According to Damen, the scope of the transport was derived with a close eye on the needs of clients in Scandinavia, Western Europe and Africa. Rimmert Berlijn, Damen Service Coordinator Heavy Lift, explains: “We took a lot of time to carefully consider what vessel types we would transport, and in what numbers, in order to best serve the requirements of a wide range of clients.”

10. Da Nang departure

Upon arrival in Europe later this month, the completed vessels will be ready for immediate sale and can swiftly be put into operation.

Images: Damen