SRC Group gets LR’s approval for retrofit methanol storage solution

Regulation & Policy

Global solution provider SRC Group has received Approval in Principle (AiP) from Lloyd’s Register (LR) for Methanol Superstorage, a new and space-efficient retrofit methanol storage solution.

SRC Group

Methanol Superstorage offers the potential for ships with years of service ahead to be considered for transition to a marine fuel, established as a possible solution for meeting the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions from ships by at least 20% by 2030 and 70% by 2040 (against a base year of 2008).

Other technologies, such as hydrogen fuel and carbon capture, will take some years to mature before they can help meet IMO’s net-zero target of around 2050.

Clarksons reported 14% of tonnage on order as methanol-capable earlier this year, compared to a 22% share for liquefied natural gas. The analyst has estimated that 1,200 ships could be powered by methanol by 2030.

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However, while renewably-sourced methanol fits the net-zero framework, and is fairly easy to store and handle, it takes twice as much to generate the same energy as HFO, according to SRC Group. On board ship, this is a major storage issue, especially because low flashpoint fuel tanks conventionally require cofferdams.

Although space penalties can be addressed in newbuild ship design, even the youngest existing ships were not built with retrofitting methanol in mind. 

Methanol Superstorage avoids cofferdams by constructing tank walls using Sandwich Plate System Technology, in a solution boosting volume by up to 85%. The extraordinary gain can be retrofitted with minimal impact on the general arrangement, the company highlighted.

“Due to long-established use in other industries, availability and performance, methanol is the alternative marine fuel offering the strongest potential to reduce ship GHGs at pace,” said Hannes Lilp, CEO, SRC Group. 

“Methanol Superstorage reinvents methanol storage using the proven SPS Technology system. Instead of a cofferdam which extends – at least – to 600mm, the solution uses a 25mm thick SPS barrier to protect the tank from fire and as a triple barrier against leakage.”