Statoil and Wärtsilä Jointly Sponsor Accelerate Oil & Gas 2013, Brazil

Business & Finance

Statoil and Wärtsilä Jointly Sponsor Accelerate Oil & Gas 2013, Brazil

Accelerate Oil & Gas 2013 confirmed the following two major companies Statoil and Wartsila as sponsors of the event which will be held on 21-22 May at the Windsor Barra Hotel, Rio de Janeiro.

The Norwegian oil company Statoil planned to invest $19 billion in Brazilian oil & gas sector this year and with this purpose Statoil will participate in “Exploration & Production of Pre-Salt and government auctions” session which is chaired by IBP and shared with Shell Brazil. Jake Van den Dries, Vice President of Statoil HSE will be conducting a presentation at the session “Sustainable growth in oil & gas sector & its relationship with environment”.

A leading global provider of engines and services for power plants Wartsila will host “Product & Services Showcase” session to demonstrate the latest and specific products for oil & gas market.

Accelerate Oil & Gas has been specifically designed for an audience of a thousand participants where each delegate has the opportunity to do business as well as share their knowledge and expertise areas with the largest oil & gas companies. Private meetings are the main highlight of the business roundtable discussions to increase the network of professional contacts with key leaders of major oil corporations during the showcase, coffee breaks, VIP luncheons and mainly at the private meetings where participants will have the opportunity to meet with these companies by pre-scheduling their meetings via Meeting Scheduler (Meeting Manager online platform) prior to the event. This is an interactive event that provides the opportunity for delegates to achieve their business goals and objectives.

Companies already confirmed their presence at Accelerate Oil & Gas 2013:

Petrobras, Statoil, Wärtsilä, Caixa Economica Federal, BNDES, FINEP, Firjan, Sebrae, IBAMA, Banco do Brasil, Erickson, Aircrane, Electroproject, Essencis, IBM, BMI Saste, Brasco Logistica Offshore, HRT, Shell Brazil, Queiroz Galvao, BG, ABS Group, Galvao Engenharia, Odebrecht, Promon, Technip, CIRCOR Energy Products, PwC, KBR Brasil, Braskem, Air Liquide Brasil, TSC Offshore, Sala Limpa and UTC Engenharia among others.

Press Release, February 26, 2013