Statoil to Use Deepsea Atlantic on Gullfaks, Norway

Business & Finance

Statoil to Use Deepsea Atlantic on Gullfaks, Norway

Statoil Petroleum AS has received consent to use the Deepsea Atlantic semi-submersible drilling rig for drilling, sidetrack drilling, plugging, completion, recompletion and well intervention on Gullfaks field satellites in the Norwegian sector of the North se.

Water depth at the locations varies from 134 metres to 140 metres.

The earliest expected start-up is 1 April 2013.

Deepsea Atlantic is a MODU GVA 7500 rig operated by Odfjell Drilling AS. The facility was completed in 2009 and is registered in Norway. DNV is the classification society.


March 19, 2013; Image: Odfjell Drilling