Ternan Joins UMACK Demo Project

Research & Development

UK-based geotechnical specialist Ternan Energy is supporting CorPower within the UMACK (Universal Mooring, Anchor & Connectivity Kit) demonstration project.

Ternan is providing geotechnical and foundation design support to the project, with focus on investigating the practical deployment of screw piles for offshore structures.

UMACK brings together leading wave and tidal energy developers, CorPower and Sustainable Marine Energy, mooring experts Tension Tech International Marine Renewables, the European Marine Energy Centre and the Policy and Innovation Group.

The 35-month project started in September 2018 and will address ocean energy affordability, survivability, reliability and installation through the demonstration of a generic anchor-foundation-mooring-connectivity system which aims to reduce capital and installation costs by up to 50%.

UMACK is being funded by Scottish Enterprise and the Swedish Energy Agency with co-funding from the OCEANERA-NET COFUND (via the European Commission under Horizon 2020).