TGS starts Timor-Leste 2D cubed seismic data project

Project & Tenders

TGS, in collaboration with the ANPM, has started a 2D cubed  seismic data project covering offshore Timor-Leste, in support of the country’s ongoing license round.

The project combines all available open file and TGS multi-client data across an area of over 50,000 square kilometres and incorporating over 2,500 lines and existing 3D’s within the planned area.

The 2D data, from over 45 legacy vintages, covers the entire offshore area south of Timor-Leste where the 11 offshore blocks in the second license round are located.

2D cubed is a unique technology from TGS for generating a 3D seismic migration volume from a set of 2D and 3D seismic lines.

The volume can be used for regional interpretation and optimization of 2D survey designs and positioning. The very high density of the available 2D legacy data offshore Timor-Leste lends itself to maximizing the effectiveness of 2D cubed which also merges local 3D surveys, where available.

Availability of the first deliverables is expected from July 2020, with final deliverables estimated around September 2020.

Kristian Johansen, CEO at TGS, said: “By making our 2D cubed product available covering offshore Timor-Leste, we believe we are offering E&P players the most cost-effective de-risking tool to evaluate the available license round acreage on offer using a 3D seismic data volume. This will be key to companies seeking to develop opportunities to invest in the oil and gas potential of Timor-Leste in the coming years.”

This project is fully supported by industry funding.