Turkish Freighter Flees Maltese Waters to Evade Arrest

Business & Finance

A Turkish-flagged general cargo ship reportedly fled from Maltese waters after a local court issued a warrant for its arrest over unpaid bunkering bills amounting to EUR 45,818, according to local media.

The freighter, identified as the 1993-built Feyza Genç, escaped Maltese waters shortly after being issued the warrant for arrest over the outstanding bunkering bills owed to Cassar Fuel Limited.

Prior to the escape, the 3,490 dwt Feyza Genç was detained by Maltese Coast Guard in the country’s exclusive economic zone, and escorted to the Bunkering Area 3, some three miles from international waters.

Transport Malta was in charge of keeping the vessel in Maltese waters until the court proceedings were over. However, following the court order for arrest, the vessel used the cover of the night to escape.

The 3,490 dwt freighter is currently at anchor off Turkey’s town of Datça.

World Maritime News Staff