UK: EMEC Names New External Liaison Consultant

Business & Finance


The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) has strengthened its senior team with the appointment of marine renewable energy expert Max Carcas of Caelulum Ltd to work on external liaison activities.

Mr Carcas will work with EMEC to assist the world-leading wave and tidal energy test facility boost its industry engagement due to increased demand.

Mr Carcas is ideally placed for the role following many years experience in the energy and environment sectors, working with technologically driven companies to bring new products to and opening up new markets, often under a legislatively driven framework.

He has been at the helm of a number of renewable related companies, currently working as managing director of Caelulum Ltd, a consultancy specialising in the offshore renewables sector. He spent 10 years as business development director at Pelamis Wave Power, where he was instrumental in raising more than £70 million of funding to support the development of Pelamis technology and the first multi-million pound sales contracts in the sector.

He has also played a strong role in a number of industry steering groups including the Scottish Renewables Forum, Renewable Energy Association, Renewable UK and the EU Ocean Energy Association, and has collaborated with partners to develop the market legislation and commercialisation in the UK, France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Canada and the USA.

“I have joined EMEC at an exciting time for Scotland’s marine renewable sector when industry engagement is critical to ensure the country has the funding and legislation in place to cement its position as a leader in technological research, development, testing and delivery,” says Mr Carcas.

“EMEC has an expanding research department with strong links with technology developers, academia, regulators and government and I look forward to working with them to help strengthen the centre’s industry engagement and lobbying capabilities.”

Commenting on Mr Carcas’s appointment, Neil Kermode, managing director at EMEC said: “EMEC is asked to participate in a wide circle of activities and groups but due to a growing interest, we have been finding it increasingly difficult to contribute to the desired extent due to rising activity levels at our sites in Orkney.

“Having Max on the team will be invaluable to help handle the critical areas of wider engagement and his experience will allow us to make sure we help create the critical mass this industry needs to succeed.”

Established in 2003, EMEC is the only accredited wave and tidal test centre for marine renewable energy worldwide, providing unparalleled experience and knowledge of testing in real sea conditions.

Subsea World News Staff, May 8, 2012; Image: EMEC