UK-made tools put Equinor's subsea electrical jumpers to test

UK-made tools put Equinor’s subsea electrical jumpers to test


UK’s C-Kore Systems has delivered testing tools to DeepOcean that were deployed at an Equinor-operated field in the North Sea to confirm the status of subsea electrical jumpers.

Source: Norsk Petroleum

C-Kore said that the testing tools were used to “quickly and simply” confirm the status of subsea electrical jumpers on the Tordis field in Norwegian waters.

According to the company, the team provided training prior to the mobilization to give the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) operators an understanding of how to use the units.

The self-contained and automated subsea testing units are used on both asset integrity and installation operations to verify the health of subsea electrical systems. The cable monitor unit tests the insulation resistance and continuity of the electrical line while the subsea TDR unit localizes faults with an accuracy of around 20cm.

“We are pleased to be working with both Equinor and DeepOcean in Norway,” said Cynthia Pikaar, Sales and Marketing Director for C-Kore Systems. “Our C-Kore tools are really proving their value to North Sea operators with their ease of operation. Being automated, they also don’t require extra offshore personnel, an added bonus in times where POB is kept to a minimum.”

Tordis is located in the Tampen area in the northern part of the North Sea, between the Statfjord and Gullfaks fields, at a water depth of 150-220 meters.

The field was discovered in 1987 and the plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 1991.

It has been developed with a central subsea manifold tied back to Gullfaks C, which also supplies water for injection. Production started in 1994.