USA: GBI Research Releases New Report on Demand for Semisubmersibles and Drillships

Business & Finance

USA: GBI Research Releases New Report on Demand for Semisubmersibles and Drillships

GBI Research, a leading business intelligence provider, has released its latest research, “Deepwater Activity Statistics – New Discoveries Worldwide Driving Deepwater E&P Activity and Demand for Semisubmersibles and Drillships”.

The study, which is an offering from the company’s Energy Research Group, provides an in-depth coverage of deepwater activity statistics worldwide and also highlights the various concerns, key trends, along with information and data information on deepwater and ultradeepwater drilling spend in major deepwater regions worldwide.

The report details out the important qualitative inputs and analyses recent news and happenings involving and affecting the deepwater and ultra-deepwater exploration and production industry as well as the deepwater and ultra-deepwater rig construction industry. Key data statistics of deepwater projects worldwide such as individual project name, field name, water depth, and operator company name has been included, by individual deepwater region.

The report provides inputs on the locations of deepwater and ultra-deepwater basins, by region. Key deepwater information such as statistics on number of leases, key deepwater exploration areas, deepwater drilling expenditure, statistics and numbers pertaining to deepwater blocks and deepwater licenses, and information on deepwater reserves and acreage has been extensively covered for deepwater and ultra-deepwater regions globally.


Overview and key qualitative coverage and in-depth analysis related to deepwater and ultradeepwater activity from a global perspective.- Analysis of the major happenings, trends and challenges for the deepwater exploration and production industry.- Information on deepwater and ultra-deepwater projects worldwide with key data parameters. Key deepwater statistics and information, by region, for the seven major global deepwater regions, viz. US Gulf of Mexico (USGOM), offshore Brazil, offshore Angola, offshore Norway, offshore Australia, offshore India, and offshore China.- Data on deepwater drilling expenditure scenario for the period 2000 to 2011, for the respective deepwater regions.

Reasons to buy

Develop an overview of the major deepwater hydrocarbon regions and operations worldwide, and remain updated with in-depth insights with regard to deepwater activity.- In-depth key statistical information on deepwater projects worldwide, with key deepwater project parameters to understand the business environment.- Identify key trends and challenges in the deepwater E&P industry for positioning oneself in specific sub-areas of the sector.- Develop business strategies with the help of specific insights on deepwater lease and blocks’ information.- Increase future revenues and profitability for rig contractors with the help of effective strategies associated mobilization of rigs and equipment at the relevant locations.- Benchmark your operations and strategies using key insights from the major current and expected business developments with regard to the deepwater E&P industry.

Press Release, December 11, 2012