USA: MARAD to prepare Delfin LNG EIS


The U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD), in coordination with the Coast Guard, said it will prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) as part of the environmental review of the Delfin LNG deepwater port license application.

The application proposes the ownership, construction, operation and eventual decommissioning of an offshore LNG deepwater port export facility that would be located approximately 50 miles off the coast of Cameron Parish, Louisiana.

The deepwater port will consist of four semi-permanently moored floating liquefaction natural gas vessels (FLNGVs), and will reuse and repurpose two existing offshore natural gas pipelines: The former U–T Operating System (UTOS) pipeline and the High Island Operating System (HIOS) pipeline.

Delfin LNG plans exporting up to 443.3 billion cubic feet per year of natural gas or approximately 9.2 million metric tonnes per annum of LNG.

The onshore components of the proposed deepwater port will be located in Cameron Parish, Louisiana and will be reviewed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) under a separate authorization process.


LNG World News Staff; Image: Delfin LNG