Video: Deep Green tidal kite testing

Research & Development

The videos show the testing of Minesto’s Deep Green tidal energy technology in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, where Minesto operates a demonstration site for long term testing in offshore conditions.

The test site is used for the optimization of fundamental parts of the power plant such as the tether, the bottom joint and the electrical system.

The testing focuses on a quarter-scale unit and knowledge directly transferable to the full-scale product is obtained and implemented in the commercial power plant, according to the Swedish tidal energy developer.

All of the power plant’s functions have been verified, and it is automatically controlled in all tidal velocities, Minesto states.

During slack water the power plant is positioned in the middle of the water column and when the tide has turned and the water current picks up, it starts generating electricity again.

Environmental assessments are carried out in each project to ensure that the presence of Deep Green does not disturb the ecosystem, with extensive mammal surveillance performed in advance, during, and after each trial, according to Minesto.

Development of installation, operation and maintenance procedures is expected to generate significant cost reductions and health and safety measures can be tested and verified.