WWF: Commission Dresses Up Low Climate Ambition as Success (VIDEO)

WWF: Commission Dresses Up Low Climate Ambition as Success (VIDEO)

WWF said that it is disappointed by the weak European Commission outline of EU 2030 climate and energy policies.

By suggesting a greenhouse gas emissions target out of line with climate science, as well as a low renewable energy target which places no legal requirements on member states, the Commission appears to be putting the brakes on modernising Europe’s energy system, WWF stated.

Jason Anderson, Head of Climate and Energy – WWF European Policy Office said:

“After months of anticipation, the Commission has repackaged a slowdown in the current pace of emissions cuts and renewable energy deployment, and called it ambitious. It is putting Europe’s economic modernisation at risk.

The picture painted by the full set of policy proposals is dispiriting – an energy efficiency target has been deferred; cancelling the massive oversupply of carbon in the Emissions Trading Scheme is also deferred; closing the gaps in EU shale gas legislation is deferred. I’m sure the fossil fuel lobbyists will sleep well tonight.

It is now up to Member State governments to show the political leadership needed to inspire Europe towards an industrial and economic revolution that will provide for both people and the planet.” 

Press release, January 24, 2014; Image: WWF