Zeebrugge terminal to receive at least 16 vessels in December

Zeebrugge terminal to receive at least 16 vessels in December

Ports & Logistics
Zeebrugge terminal to receive at least 16 vessels in December
Image courtesy of Fluxys Belgium – P. Henderyckx

The Zeebrugge LNG terminal is expecting the arrival of no fewer than 16 ships in the first 20 days of December.

Image courtesy of Fluxys Belgium - P. Henderyckx

Fluxys, the operator of the Zeebrugge LNG terminal, said on Monday that it expected multiple ships to unload their cargo for regasification, several ships to dock for transhipments, and a couple of small vessels to load cargo.

According to the company, activity has been strong throughout the year and with the scheduling, for December the facility will cross the mark of 125 received ships in 2019.

This surpasses the record of 82 ships registered in 2009. Also, LNG truck loading hit all-time highs as well, with the terminal set to accommodate nearly twice as many truck loadings as last year.

Fluxys previously reported on record activity this year back in early October. At the time, the operator noted that in the year to date, the terminal completed a total of 85 operations, three more compared to the previous highest activity figures recorded in 2009.