Searcher Seismic wraps up Pinatubo seismic survey (Philippines)

Business & Finance

Searcher Seismic has reported that the acquisition of the Pinatubo multi-client 2D seismic survey is now complete.

Searcher Seismic wraps up Pinatubo seismic survey (Philippines)

The 3,510 km survey covering a 10 by 20 km grid in the West Luzon Basin includes coverage over the PECR5 bid round blocks 8,9,10 & 11.

The Pinatubo 2D survey offers for the first time a modern seismic 2D coverage to evaluate the West Luzon Basin. The survey covers an unexplored area and will provide data sufficient to define major structural trends and plan detailed follow up surveys.

The Pinatubo multi-client 2D survey provides 3,510 km of long offset, broadband data critical to progressing the evaluation of this area.

Acquisition is now complete with fast track data available in December this year, to ensure ample time for evaluation of the blocks in the current PECR5 bidding round.


Press Release, September 05, 2014