13 results found for 'EemsEnergyTerminal'

13 results found for 'EemsEnergyTerminal'
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  • 24 June 2024
    Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Carbon Capture Usage & Storage, Green Marine, Infrastructure, Outlook & Strategy, Ports & Logistics, Storage

    Vopak and Gasunie have launched market consultation to look at LNG, hydrogen, and CCS possibilities at the EemsEnergy Terminal in Eemshaven.

  • 4 December 2023
    Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure

    Dutch tank storage company Vopak and compatriot energy network operator Gasunie have completed the principle agreement whereby Vopak becomes a 50% shareholder in EemsEnergy Terminal, an LNG import terminal in Eemshaven in the Netherlands. Vopak and Gasunie announced the principle agreement in April this year, highlighting their commitment to jointly develop and operate open-access LNG […]

  • 9 September 2022
    Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure, Ports & Logistics, Project & Tenders

    EemsEnergyTerminal in the Netherlands is now entering the next phase, making the terminal technically ready, after both of its FSRUs arrived at the terminal. This new LNG terminal at Eemshaven is to increase the security of the energy supply in order for the Netherlands and Europe to become less dependent on Russian gas. Until this year, the […]

  • 16 September 2022
    Business Developments & Projects

    EemsEnergyTerminal in the Netherlands has been testing the floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) installation and the first gas is now flowing through the national transport network, Gasunie said in a social media update. Gasunie, an energy infrastructure company, provided an update on its social media channels on 16 September, stating that this marks a step closer […]

  • 14 February 2023
    Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure, Outlook & Strategy

    Dutch energy infrastructure firm Gasunie has decided to continue exploring further options for expanding existing capacity at Eemshaven and Gate terminals instead of adding a new floating LNG terminal in the port of Terneuzen which proved to be unfeasible in the short term. The move is part of Gasunie’s ongoing efforts to increase LNG import […]

  • 11 April 2023
    Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Collaboration, Market Outlooks, Outlook & Strategy, Project & Tenders, Research & Development, Transition, Vision

    Dutch tank storage company Vopak has provided updates on its LNG projects, including EemsEnergyTerminal, Gate terminal Rotterdam, and Hong Kong LNG terminal project. EemsEnergyTerminal Vopak’s first update is in regard to EemsEnergyTerminal, an LNG import terminal located in the Eemshaven in the Netherlands. Vopak and its long-term partner, energy infrastructure company Gasunie, have entered into […]

  • 7 July 2022
    Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure, Ports & Logistics, Project & Tenders

    Energy giant Shell and Chech power utility Cez have jointly booked 7 billion cubic metres per year of LNG in the planned Eemshaven LNG terminal.

  • 1 August 2022
    Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure, Operations & Maintenance, Ports & Logistics, Project & Tenders

    French energy major Engie has booked the remaining capacity of the Eemshaven LNG terminal, owned by the Gasunie subsidiary EemsEnergyTerminal.

  • 25 April 2022
    Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure, Ports & Logistics, Project & Tenders, Vessels

    Dutch gas infrastructure firm Gasunie says preparations for an LNG import terminal at Eemshaven are progressing rapidly and expects the FSRU S188 to arrive in August.

  • 13 April 2023
    Business Developments & Projects, Outlook & Strategy, Vessels

    Engie Global Energy Management & Sales has delivered its first vessel at the new Eemshaven floating LNG terminal in the Netherlands. The company said it is significantly increasing LNG imports into Europe and remains committed to providing a secure supply of energy to its clients. “We are confident that our growing activity across European LNG […]

  • 12 December 2022
    Authorities & Government, Business Developments & Projects, Outlook & Strategy, Research & Development, Transition

    Gasunie, a European energy-infrastructure company, has been investigating options for LNG import expansion in the Netherlands. The investigation comes after consultation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate and is in accordance with the plans Minister Rob Jetten for Climate and Energy sent to the Lower House earlier in December. Gasunie is looking into […]

  • 13 December 2022
    Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure, Outlook & Strategy

    Dutch energy company VTTI has decided to explore the development of a floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility that will provide the Netherlands with additional storage and import capacity. As disclosed, the floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) facility will be connected to one of the largest industrial clusters in the Netherlands and to the […]

  • 5 September 2022
    Infrastructure, Vessels

    International maritime logistics conglomerate Wagenborg has welcomed Golar Igloo FSRU at the port of Eemshaven to serve as the new floating LNG terminal.