Gasunie looking into LNG import expansion in Netherlands

Business Developments & Projects

Gasunie, a European energy-infrastructure company, has been investigating options for LNG import expansion in the Netherlands.

Courtesy of Gasunie
Courtesy of Gasunie

The investigation comes after consultation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate and is in accordance with the plans Minister Rob Jetten for Climate and Energy sent to the Lower House earlier in December.

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Gasunie is looking into both existing and new sites. So far, there are plans to further expand the existing LNG facilities in Eemshaven (EemsEnergyTerminal) and Rotterdam (Gate) on the basis of technical optimisations, as well as a plan for a new LNG terminal in the port of Terneuzen.

According to a study by Gasunie Transport Services (GTS), there will be no physical gas shortages in the Netherlands this winter, however, the rise in the prices will have an impact on the market.

Gasunie said that the pressure on prices can be eased by saving energy, expanding LNG import capacity, and accelerating the energy transition.

Gasunie, in cooperation with the Dutch government, is also working to build a national hydrogen network, but, according to them, hydrogen cannot yet replace the demand for natural gas for the next two to three years.

The company said that additional LNG coming in through the Netherlands could reduce supply scarcity and thus contribute to lowering gas prices. The measures can be deployed as early as next winter (2023/2024) and possibly before the gas storage filling season starts (April 2023), Gasunie added.

Gasunie plans to realise LNG expansion on a temporary basis and then transition to a sustainable energy supply. The intention is to use as many parts of the temporary installations as possible for hydrogen transport after a few years.

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