Anholt Subsea Cable Repair Underway

Business & Finance

On Saturday, 21 February a fault occurred in the subsea cable which connects the Anholt offshore wind farm with the onshore electricity grid.

The first half of the repair of the damaged submarine cable to Anholt offshore wind farm is complete.’s subcontractors managed to cut out the faulty section of the cable and make a connection at the one end of the replacement cable.

According to the company, the other half of the work is underway, however the weather conditions don’t look promising. Therefore, the second part of the cable repair operation might be delayed.

“We have started on the other end of the cable but the weather window is not quite as favourable, so we may not have enough time to do all the last half of the repair at once. It seems we will have to take a break,” says Per Hylle, Head of Energy’s Jutland Maintenance Department . expects the cable on Dong Energy’s 400MW wind farm to be back in operation on March 26.