Anthony Veder

Anthony Veder assigns LNG carriers for DRG’s LNG terminal in Lubmin

Business Developments & Projects

Dutch gas shipping company Anthony Veder has committed three LNG carriers to Deutsche ReGas (DRG) for its new floating LNG terminal in Lubmin, Germany.

Image credit Anthony Veder

“We are proud that we have been selected by Deutsche ReGas for supporting in their floating LNG terminal,” Jan Valkier, CEO Anthony Veder said.

“As integrated shipowner with extensive experience in ship to ship operations worldwide we are looking forward to collaborating with all parties involved to successfully bringing LNG via this new distribution route to Germany.

With three 10,000 cbm multi-purpose gas carriers the Anthony Veder vessels will serve as a shuttle, loading LNG at the floating storage unit (FSU) and discharging at the FSRU in the small port of Lubmin.

The operation will be performed with the following LNG carriers Coral Furcata, Coral Favia, and Coral Fraseri.

The company has also taken a minority share in the terminal, but did not disclose further details.

“To further strengthen and expand our activities Anthony Veder has taken a minority share in the Deutsche ReGas LNG terminal,” the company added.

The floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) serving as the terminal was officially launched on Saturday, 14 January, with the inauguration ceremony attended by German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

The LNG terminal in Lubmin is the first and, so far, only completely privately financed floating LNG terminal in Germany.

“Today is an important milestone for Deutsche ReGas. Almost half a year after the submission of the first application documents and less than four months after the start of the first construction activities in the port of Lubmin, we have all the permits necessary for the operation and can start with the terminal,” said Ingo Wagner, Managing Director of Deutsche ReGas GmbH & Co. KGaA at the inauguration ceremony.

“Now we can finally make our important contribution to the supply of eastern Germany with natural gas.”

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In December 2022, the company delivered the Neptune, one of its two floating storage and regasification units to Deutsche Regas.

This vessel has an annual regasification capacity of 5 billion cubic meters of gas, which according to TotalEnergies, is enough to cover about 5% of German demand.

Following Deutsche ReGas’s open season procedure, in October 2022, TotalEnergies also contracted regasification capacity of 2.6 billion cubic meters of gas per year and began to deliver LNG from its global integrated portfolio to the Lubmin terminal. Swiss-based MET Group has also secured binding long-term LNG capacities at Deutsche ReGas’ floating LNG terminal.