BIMCO Launches Office in Shanghai (China)

Business & Finance

BIMCO Launches Office in Shanghai

BIMCO officially launched its Shanghai Centre office on 25 February 2013 in Shanghai, in conjunction with the Senior Leadership Forum.

Mr. Wei Zhuang, who has been with the BIMCO Secretariat in Copenhagen for some years, has been promoted to head the new BIMCO Shanghai Centre. Its physical presence in China will enhance communication with Chinese members and other stakeholders and facilitate timely access to the association’s services, including advice on a wide spectrum of issues including operational, legal, technical, security and educational information.

During the inauguration, the President of BIMCO, Mr. Yudhishthir Khatau, stated: “The close and friendly relationship that has existed for many years between the Chinese shipping community and BIMCO, has led us to believe that it would be mutually beneficial to have an exchange of views between us in the form of a Senior Leadership Forum”.

Mr. Torben Skaanild, Secretary General and CEO of BIMCO, who attended Shanghai inauguration pointed out, “The establishment of BIMCO Shanghai Centre is a milestone for BIMCO, but a natural development considering the growth in Chinese shipping and the close ties that have existed between the Chinese shipping community and BIMCO for many years.

The BIMCO Executive Committee, which also gathered in Shanghai for an EC Meeting, was received by the Mayor of Shanghai, Mr. Yang Xiong. As Mayor Yang pointed out, the establishment of BIMCO’s Shanghai Centre would further stimulate a mutually beneficial dialogue with the Chinese shipping community as part of the process of Shanghai’s ambitious plans as an international shipping centre.

BIMCO, February 27, 2013