Bound Brook Flood Protection Scheme Finished

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, together with partnering agencies, recently completed the Bound Brook portion of the Green Brook Flood Risk Management Project.

For the past century, Bound Brook and the surrounding region has been subjected to severe and sometimes devastating flooding resulting in $2.5 billion in damages, wide spread resident evacuations, injuries and deaths.

The Corps – working in collaboration with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Middlesex, Somerset and Union Counties in New Jersey, the Green Brook Flood Control Commission – began construction on the Green Brook Flood Risk Management Project in 2000.

The project included construction of an elaborately engineered system of levees, flood walls, closure gates and pumping facilities throughout the Green Brook Basin.

In addition, channels are being modified, buildings are being flood proofed, voluntarily bought out or demolished, bridges are being raised and demolished, and wetland mitigation is being performed.

The project is designed to provide flood protection up to a 150 year storm event.

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