BSEE Releases Panel Investigation into Subsea Jumper Leak

Business & Finance

The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) today released the panel investigation report on the May 11, 2016 subsea jumper leak on a platform operated by Shell.

The leak from Green Canyon Block 248 occurred on subsea well No.4, resulting in an estimated release of 1,926 barrels of oil.

The BSEE investigation panel concluded that the loss of containment in the Glider subsea system was caused by the ductile tensile overload fracture of the Load Limiting Joint of the Glider No.4 jumper. The ductile tensile overload fracture was caused by the bending loads imposed as a result of the partial burial of the Glider No.4 jumper and subsequent subsiding of the subsea sled No.2.

The Panel recommends when drilling the riserless portion of a subsea well in the vicinity of other subsea infrastructure (i.e. pipelines, sleds, subsea wells, etc.), operators need to ensure the resulting drill cuttings and cement are not adversely affecting or posing additional risks to existing subsea infrastructure.