CGG Completes Depth Imaging of 1700 km2 of Marine Data

CGG has completed the fast-track results for a 1,748-square-kilometer BroadSeis 3D marine acquisition and depth imaging project for the international oil company.

Just 9 days after the last shotpoint, CGG delivered pre-stack depth migration (PSDM) volumes using Kirchhoff and Reverse Time Migration (RTM), the company informed.

The fast-track BroadSeis volume was processed through deghosting, 3D demultiple, tomography, salt model building and PSDM.

Jean-Georges Malcor, CGG CEO, said: “This impressive accomplishment is the result of CGG’s continuous efforts to meet and exceed our clients’ expectations for fast delivery of best-in-class imaging products to accelerate decision-making on their prospects. We are able to achieve this through seamless management of offshore and onshore processing capabilities to deliver the very best product.”