China Expresses High Hopes for Jiaolong’s Deep-Sea Mission

Business & Finance

China’s manned submersible, Jiaolong, will attempt a deep-sea dive to 7,000 meters. If it succeeds in this mission, China will hold the record for performing the deepest dive.

The deep-sea dive will test the vessel’s crew which will conduct a series of tests in the Pacific Ocean starting June 10.

Xiangyanghong 09, the ship carrying Jiaolong, departed for the Mariana Trench on Sunday morning from the port city of Jiangyin.

Jiaolong, an 8.2 meters long submersible and with a weight of 22 tons, is expected to complete its first dive on June 10, and continue with five more tests until the end of the month.

Liu Xincheng, deputy director of the State Oceanic Administration’s North China Sea branch, stated: “Jiaolong will do more scientific research while underwater, and each dive may last up to 10 hours.”

Liu Feng, deputy director of China Ocean Mineral Resources R&D Association, said: “If it reaches the new target, it will represent major progress.”

This will give China the ability to collect biological samples from the deepest parts of oceans.

Feng also stated: “After the dive, Jiaolong will be put into use to conduct deep-sea scientific research, such as exploring for natural resources and underwater environmental surveys.”

In July, the vessel went 5,188 meters below sea level in the Pacific Ocean, and before that in 2010 Jiaolong reached a depth of 3,759 meters.

China is currently building a new mother ship which will carry deep-sea vessels to sites, and a vessel that can conduct scientific research in oceans.

Subsea World News Staff , June 04, 2012