Cyprus: SeaBird’s Osprey Explorer Obtains DNV ‘Seismic Vessel’ Notation

Business & Finance

Cyprus: SeaBird's Osprey Explorer Obtains DNV 'Seismic Vessel' Notation

SeaBird announces that Osprey Explorer has obtained the new class notation introduced by DNV, “Seismic Vessel”. According to DNV, this is the first case were an existing vessel classed with DNV achieve this notation.

The new notation focus on following:

– Increased availability of the vessels during critical phases of the seismic operations.

– Redundant propulsion. Any failure on board will not lead to loss of more than 50 per cent forward trust. This is sufficient to maintain a minimum speed of a few knots and will protect any high cost air guns and streamers deployed.

– Seismic handling equipment and supporting structures. Design loads, footprint loads, fastening details etc.

– Deck arrangement that facilitates side by side transfer for crew and resupply from a seismic support vessel.

– Bridge arrangement to ensure good view to the streamers and any workboats that are close by during normal operation.

– High pressure systems are also addressed in the class notation to ensure that deck operations can be carried out safely by the crew.

Press Release, December 14, 2012