Day 2 of Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference kicks off

Business & Finance

At the kick-off of the second day of Navingo’s Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (OEEC) 2021, our Anne Visser, director of operations, reflects on the first day of the event and gives us a sneak-peek into today’s agenda.

Courtesy of Navingo
Courtesy of Navingo

As the is exhibition floor gets filled with people and the atmosphere is starting to buzz, Anne looks back on yesterday, 26 October, which saw happy faces all around after a long, coronavirus-caused, break in meeting face-to-face.

“It was really great, it was really a good vibe, we could feel the energy and it was good to see that everybody made such good connections, with new people and with familiar people. Having faces around was really lovely,” Visser said.

Coco Kossmann, our live studio host, and Jaap Proost, Navingo’s content creator strategist, tune in to show the event spirit and reveal what we will be hearing today.

According to Jaap, on the menu today: sustainable solutions in the maritime sector, carbon capture and storage, offshore wind, green investments, and the topic everybody talks about – high energy prices.

Anne concludes the opening by emphasizing the importance of the energy transition, which is the focus of the event, stating it is the only way to go if we take into consideration the crisis the world is facing.

“The energy transition is taking place as we speak, we see all the plans of the government, innovations that have been made, but you are not there in 20 seconds that you can snap your finger and it is done. It takes long-term commitments to make things happen. You need a vision.”

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