Deltamarin bags multiple design deals for PCTCs with alternative fuels amid shifting tides in car carrier industry

Business Developments & Projects

Deltamarin, a Finland-based marine engineering company, has won several Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTC) ship design contracts in recent months featuring alternative fuels.

Image credit: Deltamarin

Notably, China’s largest electric car manufacturer, BYD Auto, has commissioned four 9,200 CEU PCTCs from China Merchants Industry, based on a concept design crafted by Deltamarin. The vessels, powered by LNG, are custom-designed to serve BYD’s specific trade requirements, with the first vessel set for delivery in 2025.

Swiss-based Sallaum Lines, a prominent global RoRo cargo shipping company, has ordered four plus two 7,400 CEU LNG-powered vessels from China Merchants Jinling Shipyard. Deltamarin’s concept design from earlier in 2023 serves as the foundation for the vessels, with basic and detailed design work ongoing for delivery starting in 2026.

China Merchants Energy Shipping (CMES) has also selected Deltamarin for its ambitious vision, commissioning two plus four 9,300 CEU methanol-fueled PCTCs from China Merchants Heavy Industry. The owner-focused concept, developed by Deltamarin, will guide the shipyard’s engineering work, with the first vessel due for delivery in 2026.

“The car carrier industry is going through very interesting times as both the market as well as the environmental requirements for car transportation are rapidly changing. With these new orders, we are now working with PCTC designs for nearly all the alternative fuels. We are proud of the trust given by the owners and shipyards for Deltamarin to customize and optimize the vessels for the different future trades,” Janne Uotila, CEO of Deltamarin, said.