Designated Authority Grants 5 year Renewal of WA-361-P to Meo Australia

MEO Australia Limited has been advised by the Western Australian Department of Mines and Petroleum as the Delegate of the Designated Authority on behalf of the Western Australia Offshore Joint Authority, that exploration permit WA-361-P has been granted a five (5) year renewal term from 31st January 2011, following mandatory relinquishment of seven (7) graticular blocks.

The renewal comprises eight (8) graticular blocks on Rowley Shoals SE50 map sheet requiring 150 km2 3D seismic acquisition in the primary term and the drilling of one exploration well in permit year 4 of the secondary term .


MEO has an interest in two Carnarvon Basin Exploration Permits – WA-360-P and WA-361-P, located immediately outboard of the North West Shelf Gas Project which is supplying gas to the West Australian domestic gas market as well supplying 5 LNG processing trains which supply export markets with 16.3 Mtpa LNG.

Adjoining the western boundary of WA-360-P is the Wheatstone gas field which has commenced FEED (Front End Engineering and Design) to supply gas to a 5-10 Mtpa LNG project. To the South West of the Wheatstone gas field is the Pluto gas field which is under development to supply the stand-alone 4.3 Mtpa LNG train currently under construction.


Source:Meo Australia, January  10, 2011;