DFDS Seaways Ferry Hit by Distress Flare, Dover-Calais Sailings Suspended

Business & Finance

Ferry operator DFDS Seaways has suspended its sailings from Dover to Calais port until further notice after one of its vessels was hit by a distress flare.

The sailings were suspended “for the safety of our staff, passengers and ships“, DFDS spokeswoman told BBC.

As reported, the flare was shot on Saturday by an unknown individual. Luckily there were no injuries.

“Sailings are suspended until further notice as we have no access to Calais port. Customers transferred to Dover-Dunkerque,” the company said in a tweet.

DFDS said in the latest update that Dover-Dunkirk route is running with a delay of up to 2 hours and 30 minutes, with the port of Dover being heavily congested.

Following a meeting at the Ministry of Transport in Paris on Monday 20 July, with the participation of SCOP SeaFrance, Groupe Eurotunnel and DFDS Seaways, it has been announced that the blockade in Calais would be lifted and the port of Calais would re-open fully from 12 noon CET on Tuesday 21 July.

DFDS Seaways’ first sailing from Dover to Calais was the 10.15 from Dover on Tuesday 21 July. The route operated normally for less than a week before calls were suspended yet again.

Talks led by the French Department of Transport have resumed today in France.

World Maritime News Staff