DNV GL: COGES LNG Boxship Ready for Order Book

Business & Finance

Partners in the PERFECt joint industry project (JIP) took one step closer to electric-driven 20,000 TEU ships with an LNG-fuelled combined cycle gas and steam turbine (COGES) electric power plant.

Namely, the parties involved in the JIP informed that phase II of the project, which examined the potential of developing such ultra large container vessels (ULCV), proved technical and economic feasibility of the project.

The results, unveiled at the Nor-Shipping trade fair in Oslo, looked to validate the phase I results and develop the concept to a “ready to order” stage.

The goals for the project were to utilize LNG as a primary fuel for an ultra-low emissions profile, in a design with at least the same carrying capacity and efficiency as existing ULCVs, according to the project partners, which include ABB, OMT, GTT, Caterpillar’s Solar Turbines, CMA CGM, its subsidiary CMA Ships, and DNV GL.

“The PERFECt project has brought a new set of expert capabilities together and delivered promising results,” Gerd Würsig, Business Director for LNG-fuelled ships at DNV GL – Maritime, said.

“The impulse behind this project was the interest in seeing how a modern ultra large container ship design could benefit from clean fuel and highly efficient COGES technology. We have achieved our objectives and now have a validated design concept with enough technical detail to develop a business case,” Würsig added.

Image Courtesy: DNV GL

The use of a COGES system, in combination with an all-electric design, offered “exceptional performance with several advantages.” Propelling the ship with electrical motors enabled the power generation and propulsion systems to be placed in separate sections of the ship. And with the COGES system providing power for both propulsion and auxiliary systems, an engine room was not needed any more. Hence, the power plant, together with the integrated LNG tanks, could be moved below the deck house – freeing up considerable space for more container slots.

In addition to the improved overall arrangement of the vessel, a tailored hull shape and new propeller design add to the overall efficiency, according to DNV GL. The novel hull form with vertical bow is tailormade to the operational profile of the vessel, and with a high efficiency propeller in combination with a contra-rotating pod, the total propulsive efficiency is increased by around 5 per cent.