Eco Wave Power looks at Cyprus

Authorities & Government

Israeli wave energy developer, Eco Wave Power (EWP), is exploring options to deploy its wave energy technology off Cyprus.

EWP informed on social media that the company’s Business Development Director, Eyal Gibstein, met with the Cyprus Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Nicos Kouyialis, to discuss different possibilities of installing EWP’s wave energy technology on the Cyprus coast.

The company has recently completed the construction and started testing its first commercial scale 100 kW wave power plant in Gibraltar.

According to EWP, it currently holds projects pipe-line of 111 MW, with the total funding requirement for the execution of the projects being around $150 million.

EWP’s technology uses Wave Clapper and Power Wing buoys that can be attached by robust arms to any type of structure, such as breakwaters, piers, jetties, floating barriers, poles, and fixed platforms.

The energy is produced when the waves cause the buoys to move up and down, creating the pressure which is later converted into the compressed fluid by the hydro-pneumatic system located onshore.

When the compressed fluid is released, it turns the hydraulic motor, which in turn spins the generator to produce electricity.