Fincantieri, ADSP to support development of Port of Ancona

Ports & Logistics

Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri and the Port System Authority of the Central Adriatic Sea (ADSP) have signed a program agreement to foster the development of current infrastructure at the Port of Ancona.


The goal of the agreement is to develop the port’s current infrastructure, including construction piers, dry dock, technological and lifting facilities, and to employ it for the construction of ships of greater size and tonnage, both in the cruise and merchant sectors.

The value of the investment is €80 million, of which €40 million is publicly funded. Specifically, €20 million will be allocated for the building of a new construction pier and 20 for the extension of the dry dock, including the securing of the breakwater. The remaining €40 million will come from a private investment by Fincantieri as part of the procedure for the granting of the new state concession for the next 40 years.

“An agreement and an investment that will have a strong impact on the future development prospects of the port of Ancona, with positive economic and social repercussions on the city and the region. Fincantieri, one of the port’s primary operators, has thus reaffirmed its confidence in the possibilities of growth and development of the facility in Ancona and the entire port infrastructure,” Vincenzo Garofalo, President of the Port System Authority of the Central Adriatic Sea, stated.

“With the development of the port of Ancona we’re moving into the future with ambition and innovation. This agreement underscores our ability to invest in the Italian system and to create value for the region and the entire shipbuilding sector. It’s an important step: to make things happen resources aren’t enough, you have to actually put them on the ground,” Pierroberto Folgiero, CEO and Managing Director of Fincantieri, commented.

The program agreement follows the Memorandum of Understanding for strategic infrastructural investments for the development of shipbuilding in the port of Ancona in 2018 signed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and the Authority, and the subsequent ministerial decree with which the public financing of €40 million was approved.