Floating solar platforms await modelling response

Business & Finance

In support of its research into floating solar energy, the Queen’s University Belfast is seeking a post-graduate candidate to investigate dynamic response of floating solar PV arrays.

Illustration (Photo: Pixabay/Creative Commons CC0)

The research is expected to contribute to the development of the basis for sustainable energy extraction from floating solar PV arrays, according to the university’s Bryden Centre in charge of marine renewable energy research.

The deliverables from the project will, according to the university, include a better understanding of aero-hydrodynamic loads experienced by floating solar platforms – expected to improve system design for floating solar arrays.

The research will also contribute to the development of validated tools and methodologies to estimate the aero-hydrodynamic loading to facilitate platform and mooring design, in addition to assessing the influence of platform motion on plant power capture.

The post is open for applications until July 27, 2018.

The Bryden Centre aims to create ‘virtual centre of competence’ that will support industry-led applied/pre-commercial collaborative research on a cross-border, interregional basis that is focused on marine renewable energy, and bio-energy.