Fluxys looking into hydrogen transportation routes in Belgium

Business Developments & Projects

As part of its preparations for transporting hydrogen and CO2, infrastructure operator Fluxys Belgium has selected engineering consultancy Sweco to conduct a feasibility study and preliminary research into several hydrogen routes in Ghent and Antwerp.

In addition, Sweco’s assignment includes design, environment impact assessment and safety coordination. The complete study covers about 70 km of pipelines.

According to Sweco, its assignment started in October 2022 and will end in January 2024. The first hydrogen and/or CO2 grid connections are planned to be commissioned in 2026.

Erwin Malcorps, Business Area President of Sweco Belgium, said: “Transporting hydrogen and green molecules is essential in redesigning Europe’s energy system. As an engineering partner, we are happy to contribute to a sustainable and climate-positive society.”

To note, the Belgian government has committed to supporting the development of at least 150 km of hydrogen and CO2 transportation pipelines in Belgium and is providing financial support through various funds, such as the Energy Transition Fund, to the project.

In March this year, Fluxys and Germany’s Wintershall Dea signed an agreement to jointly cooperate on a cross-border CO2 pipeline network connecting the two countries, and at the end of 2022, Fluxys made its first strategic investment for hydrogen transport in Belgium.

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