France Energies Marines Gears for 3rd Scientific & Technical Tribune


France Energies Marines is organising its third Scientific & Technical Tribune dedicated to offshore renewable energy (ORE).

The event takes place at the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech near Paris on 20 March, with aim to bring together the main players in the sector to discuss technical issues and present scientific advances in the field.

Representatives from the French Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition and the General Secretary for Investment will open the day, proof of the State’s reaffirmed support for FEM’s Institute for Energy Transition.

The keynote speaker is Dr. Andrea Copping, head of research for ocean and offshore wind energy development at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory of the US Department of Energy.

Twenty scientists from academia and the private sector will speak at 4 round tables on the following topics: seabed dynamics, influence of biofouling, environmental recommendations and farm optimisation.

Last August, France Energies Marines obtained an agreement from the French government to become the Institute for Energy Transition (ITE) dedicated to offshore renewable energy.