Fraunhofer AST Looking for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

Business & Finance

Fraunhofer AST Looking for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

Fraunhofer AST, a developer of innovative and practical solutions for the power and water supply industries, researches on autonomous underwater vehicles and hardware and software design of embedded systems, is looking for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) through a tender procedure.

The AUV’s multi-beam echo sounder is required to have the following properties:

– Number of beams: 512;

– Maximum ping rate: 50 Hz;

– Maximum opening angle: 140° or 165°;

– Usable frequencies: 200 kHz and 400 kHz

The deadline for the submission of tenders is October 28, 2013, and the official language is German.

Subsea World News Staff, September 20, 2013